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Courses ::: Acadamic Staff ::: 1st Year ::: 2nd Year ::: Internship ::: Library Courses
Currently, There are three courses conducting here,ie, National Diploma in English, Western Music and 2nd Natiolan language(Sinhala/Tamil).Here we have more than 500 teacher trainee for our courses.
Lectures and Acadamic activities are conductude by highly qualified lecture panel.There are fourty four acadamic staff members and they are engage with different subjects. 1st Year & 2nd YearAbout two hundred 1st year teaceher trainees are studied and all of them are highly qualified. Highest number of students are in the English language course. InternshipNCOE course structure consists of two acadamic years and one year traninig period in schools. They must complete this internship period to obtain the teacher diploma. Within this period they should complete the action research and three other projects. LibraryMNCOE library contain thousands of books which relavant to National diploamsa courses and many other books. |
Acadamic Administration Publications Resources E-learning Library Courses |